Jul 9, 2010
May 4, 2010
Gathering Program
(Connect, mentor and lead – John 15:1-)
(May, 26th – 28th 2010)
12:00 AM Introductions, introduction of Small groups, House Keeping, Sharing on the vision and purpose of the retreat general expectations management, Participants expectations etc
Mr. Edakasi Alfred – Introduction of the theme, why this theme at such a time, official formal expectation of the time of the retreat, Programs etc.
The purpose of this session is to create and manage expectations group and individual time for the retreat. So it is important for the person sharing to be informed about the vision and also passionate in his/her way of communicating this to the group so we all move in the same direction.
1:00 AM Lunch
2:15 PM Vision/Purpose and Methods of African Youth Leadership Forum, the family of friends documents – Tim Kreutter
The purpose of this is to put everyone on the same footing since we have a few new people adding to the group. So an understanding of the philosophy, methods and vision of the group is important. Primarily I believe that going through the 8 points deducted from our family of friends document is important.
3:15 PM Break Tea (15 Mins)
3:30 PM OUR ROLE IN EXORCISING THE GHOST OF ETHNICITY SHORT ~ Presentation Mr. Mohamed Fazul (30 Mins)
Discussion on the presentation – Dr. P. L. O Lumumba (The Lumumba Foundation)
Purpose of this is to reflect on some of the issues that is currently affecting our generation – and to create a greater awareness of what we can do as a way to respond to such a need. In we will therefore listen to these speakers and try to enlarge our world view to capture this.
5:00 PM Games and Free time
6:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Harriet and Kim:
A light session to engage young people on some issues around a relationship (Boy/Girl) so we would like a couple or two free to talk about their relationship and share with the group
10:00 PM Night - Night to everyone since we have an early morning and a full day ahead.
12:30 – 2:00 LUNCHEON and meeting with student leaders
Pre lunch sharing on
1. Personal Testimonies of your faith and work with Jesus
2. Source of your inspiration for the work of God in Politics and Society
Mr. Joe Mucheru (CEO, East Africa Google) - Kenya
Prof. Magerat Kamar MP Kenya
Mrs. Aida Odinga
Mr. Gad Gasatura (Former CA Delegate and MP, Board Chairman Civil Aviation Authority, Consultant, Businessman) - Uganda
3:00 – 5:00 PM Planned Games and reflective time for groups and individuals
7:00 – 8:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Celebration and Fun Night and groups Fun Time
7:00 – 8:45 AM Breakfast
The importance of groups in Personal Character Formation – Mr. Anthony Cordle (England/South Africa) and Lars and Tone Baller (Norway)
10:30 AM Break Tea
11:00 – 1:00 PM Closing remarks/Reflective thoughts Sam Owen and Tim Kreutter
(Connect, mentor and lead – John 15:1-)
(May, 26th – 28th 2010)
12:00 AM Introductions, introduction of Small groups, House Keeping, Sharing on the vision and purpose of the retreat general expectations management, Participants expectations etc
Mr. Edakasi Alfred – Introduction of the theme, why this theme at such a time, official formal expectation of the time of the retreat, Programs etc.
The purpose of this session is to create and manage expectations group and individual time for the retreat. So it is important for the person sharing to be informed about the vision and also passionate in his/her way of communicating this to the group so we all move in the same direction.
1:00 AM Lunch
2:15 PM Vision/Purpose and Methods of African Youth Leadership Forum, the family of friends documents – Tim Kreutter
The purpose of this is to put everyone on the same footing since we have a few new people adding to the group. So an understanding of the philosophy, methods and vision of the group is important. Primarily I believe that going through the 8 points deducted from our family of friends document is important.
3:15 PM Break Tea (15 Mins)
3:30 PM OUR ROLE IN EXORCISING THE GHOST OF ETHNICITY SHORT ~ Presentation Mr. Mohamed Fazul (30 Mins)
Discussion on the presentation – Dr. P. L. O Lumumba (The Lumumba Foundation)
Purpose of this is to reflect on some of the issues that is currently affecting our generation – and to create a greater awareness of what we can do as a way to respond to such a need. In we will therefore listen to these speakers and try to enlarge our world view to capture this.
5:00 PM Games and Free time
6:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Harriet and Kim:
A light session to engage young people on some issues around a relationship (Boy/Girl) so we would like a couple or two free to talk about their relationship and share with the group
10:00 PM Night - Night to everyone since we have an early morning and a full day ahead.
12:30 – 2:00 LUNCHEON and meeting with student leaders
Pre lunch sharing on
1. Personal Testimonies of your faith and work with Jesus
2. Source of your inspiration for the work of God in Politics and Society
Mr. Joe Mucheru (CEO, East Africa Google) - Kenya
Prof. Magerat Kamar MP Kenya
Mrs. Aida Odinga
Mr. Gad Gasatura (Former CA Delegate and MP, Board Chairman Civil Aviation Authority, Consultant, Businessman) - Uganda
3:00 – 5:00 PM Planned Games and reflective time for groups and individuals
7:00 – 8:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Celebration and Fun Night and groups Fun Time
7:00 – 8:45 AM Breakfast
The importance of groups in Personal Character Formation – Mr. Anthony Cordle (England/South Africa) and Lars and Tone Baller (Norway)
10:30 AM Break Tea
11:00 – 1:00 PM Closing remarks/Reflective thoughts Sam Owen and Tim Kreutter
~For Posterity we serve~
On behalf of the hosting members of the Kenya National Prayer Breakfast Committee and Africa Youth Leadership Forum Kenya, I would like to inform you of 2010 gathering from May 26th-28th, 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya. Invitation letters have been sent to participants selected to attend this gathering. The gathering will be held at the Jumuia Conference Centre and Home, Limuru. The event is part of the activities preceding the National Prayer Breakfast event.
The Africa Youth Leadership Forum was launched in 2007as part of the National Prayer Breakfast. In the last years we have continued to organize gatherings of this type in Nairobi and Kampala along the National prayer Breakfast activities in those countries with a focus on motivating the young people in leadership to focus on the role of faith, values and character in their dispensation.
The theme of the gathering this year is “Connect, Mentor and Lead”.
This forum is an opportunity for Young Leaders from Universities & after University within the East African region, and beyond to discuss principles based on the leadership examples of Jesus.
These young leaders come from various political, ethnic and religious backgrounds but by focusing on the principles, precepts and person of Jesus – we seek to create a common ground for discussing fundamental issues relating to leadership and unity despite our religious, ethnic and political differences.
The participants in this year’s event will be around 80-100 Student/Youth Leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Africa among others. Also present at the gathering and Prayer Breakfast will be Senior and Older leaders, members of parliament and other invited as guests.
For posterity we serve.
The AYLF Team
Africa Youth Leadership Forum
P.O BOX 9242, Kampala
+256774201850, +254721551726,
+255712480426, +250785025231,
+257 79206008.
On behalf of the hosting members of the Kenya National Prayer Breakfast Committee and Africa Youth Leadership Forum Kenya, I would like to inform you of 2010 gathering from May 26th-28th, 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya. Invitation letters have been sent to participants selected to attend this gathering. The gathering will be held at the Jumuia Conference Centre and Home, Limuru. The event is part of the activities preceding the National Prayer Breakfast event.
The Africa Youth Leadership Forum was launched in 2007as part of the National Prayer Breakfast. In the last years we have continued to organize gatherings of this type in Nairobi and Kampala along the National prayer Breakfast activities in those countries with a focus on motivating the young people in leadership to focus on the role of faith, values and character in their dispensation.
The theme of the gathering this year is “Connect, Mentor and Lead”.
This forum is an opportunity for Young Leaders from Universities & after University within the East African region, and beyond to discuss principles based on the leadership examples of Jesus.
These young leaders come from various political, ethnic and religious backgrounds but by focusing on the principles, precepts and person of Jesus – we seek to create a common ground for discussing fundamental issues relating to leadership and unity despite our religious, ethnic and political differences.
The participants in this year’s event will be around 80-100 Student/Youth Leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Africa among others. Also present at the gathering and Prayer Breakfast will be Senior and Older leaders, members of parliament and other invited as guests.
For posterity we serve.
The AYLF Team
Africa Youth Leadership Forum
P.O BOX 9242, Kampala
+256774201850, +254721551726,
+255712480426, +250785025231,
+257 79206008.
Apr 26, 2010
Kampala Internationl University
A dialogue meeting with student leaders at Kampala International University. Andrew Wanzonele coordinates this group. He has done a good Job. This group is most interesting for me. It brings us intouch with muslim student from countries like Somalia and Eritea even from here in East Africa. Its so interesting to know some of their cultural beliefs and stories.
Apr 20, 2010
Apr 19, 2010
Small group meeting ~ Makerere University.
Apr 14, 2010
AYLF Kenya Dinner 2009
Apr 12, 2010
Law School Small Group
A small group dialogue meeting
Apr 7, 2010
At Nairobi University ~ Box Group
Mar 23, 2010
In the meantime, the friends here are already planning the May Gathering. Details will be following in as we progress
It’s amazing to know how the vision is growing in the hearts and minds of friends in the region. It’s our own working or efforts. Sometimes it can be frustrating because one can’t lay hands practically on what is happening invisibly. But God Himself is working things in amazing way. We keep the faith and hoping to see God use each one of us to make the difference in the Jesus Way wherever you.
Report by Allan Shepherd,
Associate Regional coordinator
It’s amazing to know how the vision is growing in the hearts and minds of friends in the region. It’s our own working or efforts. Sometimes it can be frustrating because one can’t lay hands practically on what is happening invisibly. But God Himself is working things in amazing way. We keep the faith and hoping to see God use each one of us to make the difference in the Jesus Way wherever you.
Report by Allan Shepherd,
Associate Regional coordinator
I was up here for a couple of days. It is always a pleasure to connect with our friends in Kenya. The AYLF family has shown greater signs of growth and commitment to the vision. You feel the relationships meaningfully amongst the friends here. The core group meets every Saturday.
However, this time in the meeting I attended they was discussion to develop another meeting for those who off campus meanwhile empowering the Nairobi University campus ~ Box group as its known there to grow and attract more members other than the old members. This has comes as a new strategy to develop and mentor more coordinators and reaching out to on present on campus student leaders. Together with Gabriel, Opati, Jennifer and I meet the proposed friends to spearhead the Box group to keep meeting. This will still be under the watchful eye of the core group.
I was up here for a couple of days. It is always a pleasure to connect with our friends in Kenya. The AYLF family has shown greater signs of growth and commitment to the vision. You feel the relationships meaningfully amongst the friends here. The core group meets every Saturday.
However, this time in the meeting I attended they was discussion to develop another meeting for those who off campus meanwhile empowering the Nairobi University campus ~ Box group as its known there to grow and attract more members other than the old members. This has comes as a new strategy to develop and mentor more coordinators and reaching out to on present on campus student leaders. Together with Gabriel, Opati, Jennifer and I meet the proposed friends to spearhead the Box group to keep meeting. This will still be under the watchful eye of the core group.
It was my second time in Dar to consolidate the core group and campus initiatives here. The core group has grown to be able to stand and support a prayer breakfast meeting initiatives Peter and the friends are conducting every two weeks at Medittereneo Hotel. It was also good to do a follow up on Linda Simon Paulo, Jennifer Charles and Victor. Linda and Jennifer also attended the 2009 October gathering in Kampala. Victor is our Kenyan friend down in Dar. Being the guys at the youth mentoring home for Cornerstone Development was wonderful too. The guys will be in the home which is in the new location until up to May when they finish University. Sooner than later the home is shifting to Arusha. The guys told me that they will miss the family atmosphere the home has always provided. However, I encouraged them to think of renting together (staying together) as away of saving cost, and supporting each other.
It was my second time in Dar to consolidate the core group and campus initiatives here. The core group has grown to be able to stand and support a prayer breakfast meeting initiatives Peter and the friends are conducting every two weeks at Medittereneo Hotel. It was also good to do a follow up on Linda Simon Paulo, Jennifer Charles and Victor. Linda and Jennifer also attended the 2009 October gathering in Kampala. Victor is our Kenyan friend down in Dar. Being the guys at the youth mentoring home for Cornerstone Development was wonderful too. The guys will be in the home which is in the new location until up to May when they finish University. Sooner than later the home is shifting to Arusha. The guys told me that they will miss the family atmosphere the home has always provided. However, I encouraged them to think of renting together (staying together) as away of saving cost, and supporting each other.
Iringa~Tumaini University
This is a city in the South Eastern part of TZ. Peter and I travel there to connect with Leah R. Mlay. Leah attended the 2009 October AYLF Gathering. She attended university at Tumaini University in Iringa. She has been retained as a tutor. Her close relationship with administrators was a huge opportunity. Through her we were able to meet university administrators and a full student leaders’ guild team. Peter and I spoke to the student leaders in a group. We further had discussions with small groups of students. It was a wonderful experience for Peter and I. We were able to realize how some of the friends we are making are more than willing to do something with this vision. Mean while, we met students from Zimbabwe who expressed interest in connecting with this vision to see it happens in their country.
This is a city in the South Eastern part of TZ. Peter and I travel there to connect with Leah R. Mlay. Leah attended the 2009 October AYLF Gathering. She attended university at Tumaini University in Iringa. She has been retained as a tutor. Her close relationship with administrators was a huge opportunity. Through her we were able to meet university administrators and a full student leaders’ guild team. Peter and I spoke to the student leaders in a group. We further had discussions with small groups of students. It was a wonderful experience for Peter and I. We were able to realize how some of the friends we are making are more than willing to do something with this vision. Mean while, we met students from Zimbabwe who expressed interest in connecting with this vision to see it happens in their country.
As the vision grows in the hearts and minds of all our partners, there is need for us to support their various involvements in the region. In this report, I will share with you my trip to Tanzania and partly Kenya which was intended to support Peter’s and friends’ networks at AYLF in Eastern African. There is need to support Core groups to grow in other cities other than Dar-es-Salaam ~ and for starters the focus is on Arusha, and also support small group initiatives of our friends in universities in the region.
While in Arusha on the 26th, we met with our friend Matthias~ working with Compassion International. He had started a small group in 2008-2009. It hasn’t been meeting for sometime now, but we are eager to support his initiatives of reviving it. We hope that this core group will support this other campus groups in Arusha ~ at Tumaini University where we have friends. There other friends who are working with Cornerstone Development~real core partner in this vision in Arusha. We hope together we can make a support team for each other in this city.
Dodoma University.
We travelled to Dodoma, the administrative and Capital city of Tanzania. We have made friends at Dodoma University ~ Zak Lukumayo and Evelyn Rutazaha. Evelyn attended our October 2009 Gathering in Kampala and Zak has been a holiday friend to the Cornerstone Youth Mentoring house in Dar-es-Salaam. It was a pleasure for Peter and I visit them. We held meetings with groups of student with whom we shared the AYLF vision and philosophy. So, it’s a pleasure for us to support their steps to start a small group in Dodoma University.
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kampala small group

At Allan's and Josephats home