Mar 23, 2010

It was my second time in Dar to consolidate the core group and campus initiatives here. The core group has grown to be able to stand and support a prayer breakfast meeting initiatives Peter and the friends are conducting every two weeks at Medittereneo Hotel. It was also good to do a follow up on Linda Simon Paulo, Jennifer Charles and Victor. Linda and Jennifer also attended the 2009 October gathering in Kampala. Victor is our Kenyan friend down in Dar. Being the guys at the youth mentoring home for Cornerstone Development was wonderful too. The guys will be in the home which is in the new location until up to May when they finish University. Sooner than later the home is shifting to Arusha. The guys told me that they will miss the family atmosphere the home has always provided. However, I encouraged them to think of renting together (staying together) as away of saving cost, and supporting each other.

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kampala small group

kampala small group
At Allan's and Josephats home