Sep 9, 2009
Dates: 6TH - 8TH
Theme: “The role of Faith, Values and Character in the formation of Leaders”
Aug 7, 2009
July updates-2009
Dear Friends!
Greetings to you all. Well done on all you do each day.
I hope that you are keeping on -keeping on. I should say that it’s been good here too. Our prayer Breakfast meetings have been an encouragement to us all. Keeping us together and you showing your commitment and love for each other. All those that have been coming, we thank you and you-friend who has missed same these, we encourage you to remember that every first Saturday of the month, we meet from 7:00am-9:45am in Kampala, the venue is always communicated. We are praying for a permanent venue to maintain consistence in this regard. I know that the days are close for our friends who had gone on vacation to be back to school. We have missed you very much. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. I want to thank all the
Last month from 23rd-26th, Cornerstone Development
At this meeting, we saw the need for a young adults mentoring house in
The preparations for the October Kampala gathering 2009 are in high gear. We hope this event will be a great experience for us all. Plan to be there from the 6th-8th. Invitations and more details are on the way.
After the October Kampala Gathering, we plan to take part in the Mt Kenya camp. I encourage you not to miss any of these upcoming events.
God bless you all.
Your friend,
Allan Shepherd
Jun 30, 2009
Kalule Flavia's on the 7th Kenya National Prayer Breakfast.
‘The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level
Of thinking we were at when we created them.’
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
This is the solely significant reason that promptly saw hundreds of the world’s intellectuals gallantly converged at the prestigious Safari Park Hotel and Casino in Nairobi to change. December 2007 dealt our brothers, the Kenyans, a huge blow, the wrath of God, or rather, of human beings, poured outright the greatest of human follies; ‘Intolerance’ and thus obnoxiously obscuring any rational thinking that man was preloaded with in the beginning of the world.
Amidst a sumptuous breakfast and a lovely weather, beautiful and magnificent words were displayed as, together, with Kenya’s elite Parliamentarians, contemplated and deliberated on how to pick up the remains of Kenya during the 2007 Presidential Elections that resulted into lots of bloodshed due to the intolerance on the part of the Kikuyu and the Luo tribesmen.
A certain saying states that,
‘What gives life to people is hope,
While what kills them is despair.’
Due to the desperation that engulfs several of the world’s learned countrymen, people lose their lives, economies tumble down and relationships are disintegrated. The Chief Guest for the day , His Excellency, Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda , in his words, advised Kenyans to get past the differences they harbor and work towards building their country back to prosperity dwelling on the Rwandan experience where genocide limitlessly destroyed them. He further emphasized the fact that ‘Kenya cannot afford to fail’ since it is a strong nation. With that in mind, Fethullah Gulen’s words, a religious leader from Turkey, one of the world’s top 20 intellectuals, come to life;
‘Be so tolerant that your heart becomes wide like the ocean.
Become inspired with faith and love for others.’
Conclusively,the progressed with various talks, interactions and self assessment discussions all heading towards the revival of the dignity, authority and strong brotherliness of Kenya and at a different level of thinking this time round.
Jun 23, 2009
There are those times when you seat back not to relax but to ask yourself questions on what you are seeing, doing and believing. Very often do most of us get answers to these questions right away? This is because from the invisible side of the look of things, its only faith that we have that can make us wait to see the answers to the questions we keep asking ourselves.
I have for now been in such a position as I continue to understand the vision of AYLF. My faith grows in this vision grows each other day as I see it unfold. Over the last couple of months I we have seen ourselves grow to the meaning of most notably- reconciling meaningful relationships, which is our keep objective at AYLF. From the many events we have had of recent, we have seen the same friends we have had since 2007 come again and again and of course new ones too.. This can be seen in our local prayer breakfast meetings-Uganda and Kenya friends have showed us the example on this. At the same time, at international prayer breakfast meetings mostly in Nairobi and Kampala. Here we can’t forget our great friends from Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi who are showing a lot of developments in this regards. This show s how committed they are and their gradual eternalizing of this vision.
In Uganda, we have bee able to involve AYLF in a number of activities. In May, we were invited to participate in the guild leadership orientation of Uganda Christian University Mukono. And early June, we did a one day young leaders training workshop on the theme, “Leadership as a way of life” for UCU Mukono. It’s important to interact with young leaders at this level, which UCU has done by opening for us every door of opportunity. We have also been able to partner with Ms Uganda-a Danish NGO promoting Democracy in Uganda in trainings at UCU.. We thank them and we want more. And surely UCU has been our success story this time this year in Uganda on how actively we can partner with University administrations and student leadership organs. Thanks to our team there.
On 28th, May, we attended the 7th Kenya National Prayer Breakfast. We were twenty internationals from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Burundi, South Africa and USA. Plus the Kenyan friends. It was a great time to catch-up on relationships we have made over the years and also introducing new friends to this family. We can proudly say, “It’s working and catching fire slowly but surely”.
Between 18th and 22nd, Allan and Eric travelled top Rwanda and Burundi. This is in the process of strengthening our growing relationships in these two countries which are showing great potential on all fronts including the AYLF Vision and family of friends. Allan met with Sam Birondwa who is organizing a student’s conference-VISION CONFERENCE in Kigali. It is scheduled for November 16th -22nd, 2009. We looking forward to this and you too can choose to be part of it.
Bernard in Burundi also organized a breakfast meeting with friends-Frank, Chris, Sebastian and others. It was a wonderful time. William Kinunu has finished his University studies from Gulu University and gone back to Rwanda his country of decent. He will be supporting the team in Rwanda and Burundi as we see this vision grow. We are praying and encouraging them.
We continue to await for great news from Peter and the team in Tanzania sooner. They have promised too. We have also received information from the Kenyan team about a camp-climbing Mountain Kenya. It’s set for September. We will feed you with updates as they come in on this event.
And the Kampala Gathering is in Ocober6th-8th tentatively. Let’s watch the space with prayers. Love to you all. Report by Allan
May 29, 2009
Kenya National Prayer Breakfast
Now purpose to added the Kampala events in october.
Mar 10, 2009
Welcome to the AYLF blog !
kampala small group

At Allan's and Josephats home